Processing & transactions
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How do I pre-authorize a transaction?

How to open tabs and pre-authorize transactions

Step 1: Enable bar tabs

First make sure the Bar Tab is enabled by going into Settings/ Features/ Payments, Activate Bar Tab.

Step 2: Pre-authorize a transaction

Go into any mode to make the order, press payment and select BARTAB.

It will ask to swipe the card on the Pax terminal.

Once the card is swiped, that amount is pre-authorized.

Step 3: Add new items, pay or cancel a tab

When you go back into the order you can always add more items if needed.

When pressing continue, you will have 3 options: 

  1. Continue: Save the new items on the order. (No need to swipe the card again)
  2. Pay Tab: Make the full payment on the customer's card without needing to swipe the card.
  3. Cancel Tab: Cancel the pre-authorization and the customer can pay another method.