Accepting payments

How to add discounts and tips?

Adjust tips

Allow your customers to tip either in-app or on a printed receipt. When your customers tip on a printed receipt, you'll enter in tip amounts after the transaction.

To enable Sign & Tip on Printed Receipt:

  • Go to Settings → Signature & Tips

  • Make sure Enable Tips is on and then toggle on Sign & Tip on Printed Receipt.

Note: Customers will sign and tip on a printed receipt. This option prints out a merchant and customer copy of the receipt. Enabling this setting turns off digital signatures and on-screen tips.

To adjust tips:

  • Tap Menu → Adjust Tips 

  • You will see a list of all transactions eligible for adjustment.

    • You cannot adjust tips on pre-auth transactions.

  • Select a transaction. Enter in the appropriate tip for the transaction. Tap Finalize All if you'd like to enter in tips for all transactions at one time.

    • Managers and above can enter in tips for all transactions.

    • Cashiers can only enter in tips for their transactions.
    • After entering and saving your tips you can no longer edit tip amounts.

Manual and custom auto close with tip adjust:

  • Tap Menu → Open Transactions to view your open transactions.
  • Add the tip amounts to your open transactions and tap Save. 
  • Auto close -  Make sure you enter and save your tips prior to your closing time. A reminder dialog will appear in your app one hour before your set closing time, as well as an email reminder to adjust your tips, if needed.
  • Manual close - To close your transactions, enter and save your tips, then tap Close All Transactions. 

Note: Enter in tips prior to transactions settling at 10 p.m. ET. If you are using manual close or a custom auto close time, make sure you adjust tips prior to your settlement time.