Smart Flex (E600)

How do I power up my Smart Flex terminal?

Follow these quick steps to power up your Smart Flex terminal for the first time

Using the dock:
  1. Connect the black charging cord and power adapter, then plug it into an outlet.
  2. Connect the charging cord to the power port on the accessory hub.
  3. Set your terminal on the dock so the gold connection pins snap together.
  4. Press and hold the power button on the left side of the terminal.
Without the dock:
  1. Insert the charging cord into the power port on the right side of the terminal.
    1. It is not necessary to plug in the charging cord to power up the device if it's already charged.
  2. Press and hold the power button on the left side of the terminal.
    1. Charge the terminal overnight or power down at the end of the day to save its battery life.